Eric jerks his military muscle dick
Active Duty says: Eric’s got a nice solid frame, measuring a respectable 190 pounds and 5’10’ of packed military muscle. He’s got a big boyish grin on his face as he introduces himself, and he doesn’t stutter or shy away at all as Mike grills him for info.
And you can bet he doesn’t hesitate to peel off those clothes when the time comes to show us what else he’s got going on under those tight clothes of his. Eric scoots back to a more comfortable position against the pillows and squirts some lube on his shaft before getting into the rhythm of it, tugging on his balls with one hand as he slides up and down the length of his rod with the other.
Some guys moan, some guys gasp, but Eric’s a grunter, letting out some really manly sounds between clenched teeth as he works himself over. Then he turns around and gives the camera a brown-eyed wink, his cheeks bouncing up and down as he starts to hump his hand more vigorously.
You could almost picture somebody right under him the way his cheeks thrust back and forth as if he was full-on fucking.