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Adam Archuleta

Adam Archuleta

Things have come a long way for Adam, now one of our most experienced and beloved models. When he first started even GD was a little unsure of Adam’s ability to live up to the natural promise he showed. His first casting was a disaster. For a year, there was no improvement, but George persisted, despite misgivings from his collaborators. Then Adam met Dario Dolce and everything changed. They became instant close friends. Dario is an exhibitionist who loves to perform and this quality rubbed off on Adam. He quickly transformed into a first-class performer within a matter of months. Adam is a Casanova, a natural-born seducer. This alluring quality can be seen even in his first photosessions.
As you can see below, Adam now has a vast array of material for us all to enjoy.

Model Rating

Hair color:Brown
Eye color:Blue-Green
Dick size:19
Dick type:Average


Adam & Jay
Cape Adventures part 23
Cape Adventures part 22
Cape Adventures part 20
Vadim & Adam
Cape Adventures part 18
Hoyt, Adam & Torsten
On the set with Scott & Adam
Cape Adventures part 14
Cape Adventures part 12
Christmas suck off
Cape Adventures part 9
Cape Adventures part 8
Cape Adventures part 7
Cape Adventures part 4
Cape Adventures part 2
Adam & Jens
Cape Adventures part 1
Jambo Africa part 14
Jambo Africa part 13
Jambo Africa part 12
Adam & Kieran
Joel, Lars & Adam part 1
Jambo Africa part 9
Jambo Africa part 6
Jambo Africa part 5
Jambo Africa part 04
Summer Loves - Part 26
Summer Loves - Part 25
Summer Loves - Part 24
Phillipe & Adam
Summer Loves - Part 23
Summer Loves - Part 21
Summer Loves - Part 20
Summer Loves - Part 18
Summer Loves - Part 16
Summer Loves - Part 12
Summer Loves - Part 10
Summer Loves - Part 8
Dylan, Adam, Jeff & Joaquin
Summer Loves Part 4
Adam, Maori & Antony
Summer Loves Part 3
Summer Loves Part 2
Summer Loves - Part 1
Adam, Andre, Christian & Jerome
Marcel, Adam & Raf
Adam & Tom - Part 2
Adam & Tom - Part 1
Adam, Dylan & Jim - Part 2
Summer in Prague - Part 9
Adam & Dylan - Part 1
Summer in Prague - Part 8
Hungarian Goulash Part 25
Hungarian Goulash Part 22
Hungarian Goulash Part 21
Hungarian Goulash Part 20
Hungarian Goulash Part 19
Hungarian Goulash Part 17
Adam, Andre & Jerome
Hungarian Goulash Part 16
Adam & Kieran / Mark & Christian
Hungarian Goulash Part 15
Hungarian Goulash Part 14
Hungarian Goulash Part 13
Hungarian Goulash Part 12
Hungarian Goulash Part 11
Hungarian Goulash Part 10
Hungarian Goulash Part 9
Hungarian Goulash Part 8
Hungarian Goulash Part 7
Hungarian Goulash Part 6
Hungarian Goulash Part 5
Hungarian Goulash Part 4
Hungarian Goulash Part 3
Hungarian Goulash Part 2
Hungarian Goulash Part 1
Hungarian Goulash - Season 2
Balaton BootCamp
Adam & Dylan
Adam & Alam
African Souvenirs - part 13
Adam & Pascal
African Souvenirs - part 12
Adam & Serge
African Souvenirs - Part 11
Adam & Pierre
African Souvenirs - Part 10
Shopping with Adam and Rhys
African Souvenirs - Part 9
Adam & Marcel
African Souvenirs - Part 8
African Souvenirs - Part 7
African Souvenirs - Part 6
African Souvenirs - Part 5
Adam & Daan
African Souvenirs - Part 4
Valentine's Day
African Souvenirs - Part 3
African Souvenirs - Part 2
African Souvenirs - Part 1
Adam, Andrei & Jeroen
Adam and Marc
Prague Pride
Summer Break - Part 15
Summer Break - Part 14
Summer Break - Part 12
Jean-Luc, Adam, Jason and Jerome
Summer Break - Part 11
Summer Break - Part 10
Summer Break - Part 8
Summer Break - Part 7
Miguel and Adam
Summer Break - Part 6
Summer Break - Part 5
Summer Break - Part 4
Summer Break - Part 3
Summer Break - Part 2
Adam and Raphael
Summer Break - Part 1
Yuri, Rocco, Joel, Hoyt, Adam, Scott Pt2
Yuri, Rocco, Joel, Hoyt, Adam, Scott Pt1
Adam and Christopher
Adam and Nino
Adam Archuleta
Helmut, Joel and Adam
Adam, Bastien, Nate and Charlie
Scott and Adam
Kevin, Dario and Adam
If Mohammed won't go to the water...
Adam, Johnny and Derek
Adam's chillout evening
Water sports - BelAmi style
As Good As It Gets
Greek language lesson
The true cost of champagne
Marc, Adam, Marcel, Brian, Robin and Roald
Torsten has fallen in love
Marc, Adam, Marcel, Brian, Robin and Roald
Afternoon quickie
Dancing on the beach
Adam and Helmut
Hoyt's road wank
I love mornings like this
Smells like Pizza
Phillipe and Helmut go to party together
Marcel never drinks
Adam and Peter
Adam and Vadim
Adam and Tim
Adam and Jean Daniel
Adam, Brian and Tim - Part 2
Adam, Brian and Tim - Part 1
Jack Serviced
Adam and Johnny
Adam and Jean Daniel
Adam and Marc - Part 2
Adam and Marc - Part 1
Gregg and Adam
Adam and Roald
Adam and Chris
Adam and Jean-Daniel
Adam and Scott
Adam, Ennio and Scott
Adam, Tim and Robin - Part 2
Adam, Tim, Milan and Robin - Part 1
Addicted - part 1
Rhys and Adam
Adam and Steve
Adam and Rocco
Adam and Gino
Lance with KinkyAngels
Adam and Gino


<p>The royal treatment are not 2, but 3 of our sexiest guys. Adam, Torsten and Hoyt join forces for this model of the week special.</p>
Hoyt, Adam & Torsten
Today`s pictures come to us from photographer Dylan Rosser.  They were taken on one of our winter trips to South Africa, but unfortunately this time Dylan decided to shoot the set inside we`ll guess that it was a rainy day that day.  Regardless of the setting, both guys are strikingly handsome here and I`m sure that any of us would have been happy to soap their backs in the shower.
Adam & Marcel
So we have finished another week of Jambo Africa and it is time to give you a little look at what is coming next.
Jambo Africa Preview
To wrap up our first week of Jambo Africa we have put together this special gallery for you of what is coming next month, ranging from the photo session all the way through to the Saturday scene.
Jambo Africa Preview
Today`s pictures come from a cover shoot instead of a normal action pictures.  We`re not sure if it will make a cover or not yet, but we`d like you to pick your favorites.  Both Adam and Miguel look great here, but sometimes a change of expression can make a world of difference...
Adam & Miguel
The next 2 movies in line for release are the next installments in our Love Me Tender, Fuck Me Hard, and 3Ways series.
Here is a quick preview of the covers for both, and the images we have chosen to grace the backs of each of the DVDs....
Coming up
We have a full week of romance for you this week.  After breaking with tradition by not giving you a set of images on Monday, we will break it again today by providing them here.  This is not just a normal set of images though, some of them are from couples you may remember from times past, some are new pairings, some are DVD cover pictures or from advertisements that we never had the chance to present properly,  and some are just our personal favorite romantic pictures.
The thing that bind them is their portrayal of the love and affection between the boys of BelAmi.  Pic 11 is extra special in that it will be the cover of the 2017 `Freshmen` calendar, and you will remember #5 as the cover for `The Private Life of Josh Elliot' and #12 from `Todd and Dolph'.
Which of our boys today do you want to be your Valentine?
Valentine's Special
Today`s action picture selection comes from a lusty 3way scene coming your way in December.
Adam Archuleta teams up here with Brian Jovovich and Tim Campbell.
Adam, Brian and Tim
Today we are following it up with their travels around Cancun and Chichen Itza.
Although it was a bit of a rushed trip for the boys, doing a fashion show in a different city almost every day, they still managed to find some time to have fun and show off for the camera a little.
At first GD didn`t want us to release these pics, as Adam is starting to resemble a globe, but we convinced him to let them pass this time as it is an interesting adventure that they went on and we thought you would find them interesting.
Postcard from Mexico
BelAmi boys are keen travellers, that´s not a secret anymore.
Follow them on their trip to sunny Mexico where they´ve been invited by the ES collection managers to do a few fashion catwalks and some public appearances to please their fans. Our boys spent every single day on a plane, having travelled across the country to meet their fans and devotees. Hoyt Kogan once said: 'Airports, hotels, fancy dinners, many fans around,... I feel like Paris Hilton'! 
Speaking of Hoyt – isn´t he a darling when asleep? A flawless sleeping beauty, right?
Hola Mexico
We have already had one of our quickies devoted to both Helmut and Hoyt, so in all fairness we thought we would put one together for Jerome as well.
These pictures were taken during the same production session as those with Helmut, and as you will see, often it is hard to get pictures of one of them without the other, so in the end we have our set about Jerome, which is also a lot about Helmut.
If you have ever imagined what a perfect couple may look like you need go no further than today`s update with Jean-Daniel and Adam.  Both fit, charming and beautiful it makes you wonder what went of after the photosession was over.
Adam and Jean
Our quickie today is taken from a scene with Joel Birkin, Peter Annaud and newbie Orri Aasen (so far you have only seen his casting, but there is more coming soon, starting with a photo session in October).
Always a very hands on director, Luke Hamill can be seen here doing a bit of  `Lenny Kravitz` on the set... getting so carried away with demonstrating the positions that he splits his pants and lets it all hang out.
Summer Production Diaries #4
Earlier in the week you got a peek at Rick Day at work with our 3 new KinkyAngels.  Some of you expressed surprise that we were not shooting more boys as well, but of course Rick actually shot a ton of different boys for us.  Today we have combine a few pics from a scene with Adam and a mystery new boy, Andrei Karenin and Kris Evans as well as Rick Day shooting Marcel Gassion.
Marcel was Rick`s driver for the week picking him up early each morning and making the hour drive to the location..  Hopefully getting to know Marcel better gave Rick an insight into Marcel`s personality that will come out in the finished images.
Summer Production Diaries #2
To kick off this round of quickies from our summer production shoot we have a selection of pictures from Rick Day`s shoot of Helmut, Hoyt and Jerome.  After Greece Helmut was away in Israel at a clinic for his skin and Hoyt was recovering from his broken nose, so we are very happy to have 3 of them back together, safe, whole and as sexy as ever.
Summer Production Diaries #1
All too quickly we come to the end of this Greek adventure and it is time to bid our island paradise a fond farewell.  As a treat on the final day the boys got to spend the whole day lounging around on the beach, eating, drinking and having fun before they had to pack up and head to the airport.  You will notice Helmut missing from our merry team as he had already flown off to Israel for a special clinic to help his skin problem.  Unluckily for our boys the plane was delayed for a couple hours, so they had to make do with trying to pass the time as best they could.
So, this is it for our Greek Diaries and we will return to our normal quickies for a while.  We hope you have enjoyed our little updates as much as we have enjoyed bringing them to you.
Greek Diary 14
Marc Ruffalo and Adam Archuleta are in front of the camera today for our action picture selection.  You can see the finished flip flop scene later this month as part of our Summer of Love.
Marc and Adam
So this is the penultimate set of casual pictures that we have for you from Greece.  A couple more action sets and then pics from the boys final days are all that is left to come from this adventure.
Without taking up more than allocated space there is not too much that I need to point out about this update that will not become evident from looking at the pictures.  Special mention goes to the ES shop just around the corner from where we were staying for hosting a little meet and greet there, and also just to say that I am not really sure why Jerome is wondering around with a pick axe, but I am sure that we will find out in one of Kevin`s videos later on.
Greek diary 12
Welcome to our Greek Diary #10.  As GD told us on Friday, we are alternating our remaining entries here between some backstage pictures and some more casual entries.  Today’s selection is one of the more casual ones and is quite diverse ranging from the welcome dinner to the sad farewell of Roald and Jeroen.
I’m told that the pictures of the boys sleeping is the result of some quite enthusiastic partying the evening before, and the remainder are a selection of Kevin and Jerome’s selfies.
Greek Diary 10
Mykonos is brimming with yachts of all shapes and sizes – small sailboats, catamarans, motor yachts, mega yachts, as well as historical yachts and ships. A few days ago, our boys were invited aboard one of them. No need for alarm this time, however. No one fell overboard, nobody drowned, and it seems that most everyone enjoyed the experience.  As you can see, Hoyt’s nose was still intact. But this tranquility didn’t last for long – they “slightly bumped” two of our cars on the way back. The good news is that they didn’t have a chance to “bump” the sailboat. GD
Greek Diary 7
So far so good.  One week into the production and we have twelve scenes finished  with a few frivolous setbacks.  These setbacks include two damaged cars and three boys being forced to leave: one for a motor-bike accident, one broken hand, one broken nose, and one for a death in the family (two new boys have replaced them).  One remaining boy is heartbroken over a break-up and is regularly engaged in long deeply-passionate phone calls.  Two other boys suffered heat stroke aboard the yacht. So... Simply,  business as usual.  GD
Greek Diary 6
I know, I know… Dehanoia promised you all a longer article chronicling our Greek escapades. But then he jumped on a plane for Australia and I’m busy crafting those memories we all love. Going through my notes, I mostly see a lot of drama, melodramatic episodes and comic situations that demand far time to them justice than what I can spare in the middle of a shoot. So – hopefully – photos will do the trick for the time being, with their stories to come. GD
Greek Diary 4
Here we are writing to you all from our lovely Greek island retreat, and as promised, sharing a few insights into our day to day activities here.
The first update is about our travels, the boys leaving Bratislava, the journey and their arrival here.  What you probably won`t get from the pictures is what a horrible day it was when they all landed.  It was actually raining (something that never happens here in June) and a chilly 16 degrees Celsius (that`s about 61F) .  The weather has since turned fair again and we are able to start shooting.  Day 1 of filming, along with a few words from GD will make up our next update.
You may be wondering why so many of the boys are filming things.  We made up a little competition for them all that whoever shoots the best Quickie would win a prize.. sadly the internet connection here is so slow, we will have to be sticking with photos instead of our planned video diaries and give you those once we return home.
Greek Diary 1
There is something for everyone in today`s selection of action pictures.  First up we have Jim Kerouac and Johnny Bloom and then as a special treat, newcomer Roald Ekberg and Adam Archuleta rounding out the selection.  Both videos coming soon on BelAmiOnline.
Adam, Roald, Johnny and Jim
We had a hard time selecting this set of pictures for you as there were so many good  ones to choose from.  In the end I hope we have a nice set that shows the personality of both Adam and Scott.
The pictures were taken by Marty Stevens in our Bratislava studio and have a special relationship to tomorrow`s scene
Adam and Scott
Today, we bring you the pictures from our upcoming fantasy 3 way which debuts later this month and features the Adonis like Kris Evans in his first condom free bottoming scene ever! Jean Daniel and Adam Archuleta join Kris for this 2 part 3 way that begins with Kris Evans topping both Adam and Jean-Daniel in Part 1 and in Part 2 Kris makes his condom free bottoming debut when Adam and Jean-Daniel take turns topping the muscular star. For now, check out the pictures from this standout scene coming to BelAmiOnline 9/27!
Adam, Kris and Jean-Daniel
Today`s action pics are from a couple of scenes coming your way in the near future.
You fell in love with Rhys and his performance in our recent scene featuring Jean-Daniel, on the 31st of next month you will get the change to fall in love with him all over again in this scene with Adam Archuleta.
Our other featured scene plays at the end of August, featuring 2 more of our newer guys, talented bottom, Milan Sharp together with sexy Brian Jovovich
Rhys, Adam, Brian and Milan
Coming up in the July edition of KinkyAngels we have a scene with Adam and Misha which is the finale of `What starts out as an orgy` (April KinkyAngels).Today we have decided to give you all a sneak peek of that scene by preparing the action photographs for you here.
Adam and Misha
Today we have a special update of action pictures featuring Claude Sorel pleasing 2 of our most prolific tops in Adam Archuleta & Jim Kerouac.
Adam, Claude and Jim
Adam and Gino make a sexy couple as this weeks `Models of the week`.
You may recognize the location as the same as for the 3way between Dolph, Kris and Jean-Daniel from last month
Adam and Gino
This is the sensual, young Adam Archuleta`s first photo set, made almost two years ago in late 2008. We think it has a certain James Dean feel to it, hence the smoking shots were deliberately included. Adam has a very independent streak and he almost takes over trying to direct his own scenes. You`ll be seeing more of him very soon.
Adam Archuleta